Dancing in the fullness of God’s life … it’s time to catch the wind!

A collective of redemptive dance artists offering classes, workshops and choreography projects.


A Prophetic Declaration, by Tonia Nifong

Dear Dancer,

In me, you’re a force to be reckoned with, and you’re not alone. I see you. It’s okay to just be and catch your breath. I see you navigating potential pitfalls. Don’t forget, it’s my wings upon which you glide. I have enough strength to carry both of us — all the dreams I’ve deposited in you, because you’re worth it to me, child. I don’t doubt you the way you doubt yourself — for you’re enveloped in the love of the trinity. Come to me for fresh, life-giving waters. My presence is the overflow you seek. Only I steady you.

I’m your dance partner — let’s go higher. There are things that break my heart, and I share them with you. Not for you to carry them, but for you to be my “dance” to them — to dance upon injustice and turn mourning into dancing. For you to share my words to them because light does indeed overcome darkness.

Photo credit: Colleen Briggs; Dancers: Tonia Nifong and Evelyn Wyss

No matter how dark it gets, you will always have access to me, even in the darkest night. I will be the light, the truth and the way as you bring others to me, helping to usher them into my presence. The world, like the human heart, is a dry desert without my presence. I will never, never forsake those who are mine – for eternity is in me, in them – and you dance as part of the harvest. Because I am the Lord of the harvest (Matthew 9:38). So, daughter, flow in me with confidence, my confidence in your very veins.

The enemy tried to lie to you through horrific happenings, but I’ve already overcome. As you move, it will be as though light, my light, encircles you, even in dark places. Never believe the lie that you’re alone. There is never a place where you step that my feet have not first gone before you. I heal your heart — worship me, and I satisfy you. Dream in me. Come up higher. Trust me as we bring heaven to earth.

We have a wedding feast to prepare for! I love all of you, daughter!


Abba, Yeshua, Holy Spirit

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